Career Guidance

Career Guidance

Career guidance is the counselling given to individuals to help them obtain the information, knowledge, experience, and skills necessary to identify career options and limit them down to make a career decision. This decision then results in their financial, social, and emotional well-being throughout. It is the process of helping school students in making adequate occupational and educational choices and in making career decisions based on the requirements and demands of the future of work. Career guidance helps individuals make a change from the general understanding of work and life to a more specific understanding of the practical and realistic career options that are available to them. The process of career guidance for school students involves assisting them to accomplish their identified career options or obtaining their professional goals. The role of a career guidance expert ranges from acting as a counsellor to leading the complete course of options.

Importance's of career guidance for school students

Career is a much significant and larger part of our lives today and any decision taken in terms of career planning must be done with utmost care and attention. With enormous colleges, certifications, courses, and job opportunities available, choosing the right career path could become challenging for students.
An appropriate choice of career will not only provide an effective job opportunity but allows a student to hold a respectful and satisfactory lifestyle. Moreover, the desired career path engages an individual making them more confident, informed, and dedicated. So, the importance of career counselling and guidance cannot be ruled out. Personality and lifestyle are the reflections of one’s values and the professional life which an individual leads are the most important one. When people grow up, their personal goals, choices, and future plans start revolving around the kind of job that they have and the flexibility it can offer.
India is a developing country and its potentiality lies in the minds of young people. They must understand the significance of career guidance to make the right decision regarding their career progressions. So, this is where the needs of career counsellors come up in helping class 8th, 9th students reach their maximum potential.

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